Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hungry for IDEAS? At NO COST? What?!?

Yes it's true.

This blog was created to offer free marketing advice. No cost. Nada. Zip.

No - hell has not frozen over, and no - the Chicago Cubs have not won the World Series.

Times are tough for everyone. So here's a little help --- free advice on ideas for:

  • General marketing
  • Graphic design
  • Web Site Design
  • Web Site Navigation
  • Web Marketing (SEO, SEM, PPC, AdWords, Affiliate Programs, etc.)
  • E-mail/Mobile Marketing (e-mail campaigns/capture, SMS campaigns/capture, etc.)
  • Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, etc.)
  • Event Marketing (how to do it effectively, affordably, consistently, and measurably)
  • Cause Marketing (businesses and nonprofits marketing together for mutual benefit)
  • Other Marketing TBD

How it works and things to remember:

  1. E-mail your name, title, company name, company URL, industry, and questions to marketingdrivethru@gmail.com.

  2. We will read your questions within 48 hours of receipt and post the answer on the blog.
  3. You can then e-mail us follow-up questions - same process as the original inquiry.
  4. The advice will be honest, genuine and as accurate as possible.
  5. The advice will be top-line and likely need more support to actually implement.
  6. The advice is our best effort - if you think you know more than us - start your own free marketing blog.
  7. The advice offers no guarantee of success.
  8. The advice will always require execution and accountability - all ideas do (even bad ones.)
  9. The advice will be posted publicly but your identity will remain anonymous - no plugs.
  10. The advice is FREE - so be courteous and appreciative at all times to all questions and comments.

As an opening "sample" (actual responses will be more specific than these little nuggets...):

  • We define a BRAND as a PROMISE, and MARKETING as the DELIVERY of that promise.

  • WHO vs. HOW: same letters; a means to an end --- to know HOW to market, you need to truly know WHO you are speaking to…

  • No matter what state the economy may find itself in --- consumer purchasing decisions are based on three basic pretenses: Need, Want, And Support.

  • “It cannot be ‘bought’ until it is ‘built’…” --- no market research, 2.0 strategies, events, partnerships, etc. will ever truly work if marketing fundamentals are not securely in place…
So let's go (in the words of the Great Superspy and Stylist Zohan!) Let the free marketing advice...BEGIN!

(Note we've kept the drive-through/fast food/value references to a minimum, too!)

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea. Will pass it on to others...also check out www.causemp.com for cause marketing resources.
